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To: lightwave@mail.webcom.com
From: Stephen Bailey <sbailey@vinton.com>
Subject: Re: Toggeling AA on Backgrounds .
Sender: owner-lightwave@mail.webcom.com
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At 12:45 PM 10/10/95 -0700, Frank wrote:
>How about the possibility of turning of Anti Aliasing for background
>pictures . If you use a previously made animation as background and
>only the new objects must be Antialiased the background also get
>Antialiased and so taking alot of time where it is not necessary .
>Maybe a new feature for a future LW release ? :-)
It has always been my impression that LW anti-aliasing does not affect the
background image/sequence. It may look as if it is doing an edge-detection
pass on it as well as the geometry in the scene, but it only affects the
geometry (or, I should say, the edges of the geometry in the scene).